MovNat Training Session Membership

MovNat® Online Academy

  • Instant Access

    Get instant access to our complete library of 53 MovNat Training Session workouts.

  • Guided Workouts

    Each training session is designed and demonstrated by MovNat Master Instructor Stefano Tripney

  • Low Price

    One LOW monthly payment of only $10/month.

What are MovNat Training Sessions?

MovNat Training Sessions

MovNat Training Sessions are Natural Movement workouts expertly designed by Master Instructor Stefano Tripney. Each session is accompanied by a demonstration video and a written workout to follow. Read more in our FAQ section.


Learn more about the MTS Membership

  • What are MovNat Training Sessions?

    MovNat Training Sessions are what we call workouts that are designed around Natural Movement skills and techniques. Following these sessions are how you get fit by practice MovNat.

  • How do I use MovNat Training Sessions?

    This is up to you. You can follow them straight through, completing each session in a row. We recommend 1-3 Sessions per week. You can also incorporate them into your existing fitness routine as an alternative to traditional fitness methods.

  • How are MovNat Training Sessions structured?

    Each session is broken down into a Warmup, Emphasis, and Combo. The Warmup is a series of Natural Movements that prepare your body for the session. The Emphasis focuses in on a specific Natural Movement skill that is practiced during the session while varying the Volume, Intensity, and Complexity. The Combo is a combination of MovNat skills to be performed in order to improve strength, stamina, and conditioning. You have the flexibility to adapt any one of these portions of the workout to meet you where you are at. Each workout is accompanied by a video that provides a visual demonstration of all the skills and techniques included in the outlined session. In the written workout, each skill is also linked to a video reference of that skill.

  • Do I need equipment?

    While many of the movements require little or no equipment, some form of equipment is used in most sessions. However, you can modify each session as needed based on the equipment you have available to you. The most common items you will see throughout these sessions are a 2X4, a weight or sandbag, climbing bar, plyobox, etc.

  • What happens if I cancel my MovNat Training Session Membership?

    If you choose to cancel your Membership subscription, it will end access to the MovNat Training Session modules at the end of your billing period. You will still retain access to any E-Courses or Bundles that you have purchased individually, outside of the membership.

  • Do I have to be in good shape to follow these sessions?

    No, you don't have to be in excellent shape to follow these sessions. We offer them as a way to use the MovNat system to improve your level of fitness and movement ability. Each session is designed to be easily modified to meet your current goals and level of proficiency. We use VIC (Volume, Intensity, and Complexity) to adapt or progress the skills making them either more approachable or to add an extra challenge.

Our MovNat Training Session Membership is subject to a 14-Day Refund window that begins at the time of enrollment. If you choose to cancel your Membership subscription after the initial 14-Day Refund window, access will be removed at the end of your billing period.

MovNat Training Sessions are included in our Full Access Membership

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