Upgrade Your Movement, Boost Your Metabolism, and Build an Adaptable, Capable Body

Your Foundation for Natural Body Transformation

MovNat Metabolic is an 8-week online training program that uses natural movements and science-backed exercise protocols to help you get leaner, stronger, and build real-world fitness—naturally! Enjoy lifetime access to the course materials once purchased.

This program will support key body composition changes, such as:

  • Reduction of superfluous adipose (fat) tissue (although “ideal” or “healthy” levels depend on the individual)
  • Addition of muscle tissue (although that is not the focus of the program, some may gain muscle)
  • Improved structure, function, and growth of the vascular system
  • Increased bone mineral density
  • Improved connective tissue structure and function

This e-course is the ultimate resource for not only making rapid body composition changes and improving your overall health but also for enhancing your Natural Movement skillset. With this course, you can engage with the world more easily, effortlessly, and with greater joy. It features 31 videos totaling 4 hours and 25 minutes of instructional material, providing you with extensive and practical guidance to achieve your fitness and movement goals.

Watch Intro Video

What is MovNat Metabolic?

High Intensity Natural Movement Fitness

This Brand New MovNat Metabolic E-Course Has One Core Purpose:

To help you rapidly improve your fitness, body composition, and movement skills in 8 weeks or less.

  • Build physical fitness through a MovNat lens.

    This is no ordinary exercise program. You'll not only improve your strength, mobility, and conditioning, but you'll also increase your competence in a variety of practical, natural movement skills.

  • Make rapid changes to your conditioning and body composition.

    Improve your body composition (e.g. improved overall structure/function, bone density, capillarization, connective tissue integrity, CNS efficiency, etc.) and increase your conditioning (e.g. VO2 max, anaerobic capacity, etc.) with the most effective movements and protocols for body transformation.

  • Get fit. Not injured.

    Learn how to dig deeper and push your limits to find out what your body is truly capable of when you train smart and safely - for more movement efficiency and less aches, pains, and injuries.

  • Accessible and challenging for everyone.

    Simple enough for beginners, and challenging enough for experienced professionals.

  • Practice anytime, anywhere, at your own pace, with minimal equipment.

    Work through the program on your terms, from anywhere in the world - even in a small space.

  • Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

    Try it for two weeks. If it's just not for you, we'll give you a full refund.

"Show up and do the work."

All you need to do is...

“You've seen 'The Workout the World Forgot' on YouTube and you get it - Natural Movement forges human fitness - but how do you capture that and execute it in modern life if you don't live off-grid in a tropical paradise? How do you build that capability as a Zoom-bound, 'zoo-human'? The new MovNat® Metabolic e-course distills the essence of Natural Movement Fitness into an easy-to-follow, don't-even-have-to leave-the house, get-ridiculously-fit way, while holding to the broader vision of holistic fitness- that breathwork is strengthwork and vise versa, that there is no true fitness at the sacrifice of joint health and mobility, and that fitness means you are always ready for a physically intense effort should the need arise. No matter where you are starting from, this program is adaptable to meet you at your current fitness level and then go beyond it! All you need to do is show up and do the work.”

~Christa M. Whiteman DC, MovNat Certified Trainer

"I’ve loved every moment of it."

Success Story From Our Student

Who am I? I’m Serena. I’m not a fitness trainer. I’m not an athlete. I’ve never been sporty or competitive. I’m quite average. For a long time now, I’ve believed that it is important to know how to move and control your own body to maintain quality of life, but I have never known how to make it happen. I’ve taken the classic fitness routes that everyone has heard before. I’ve paid for multiple gym memberships that I hardly ever used. I’ve tried yoga classes, spin classes, and kickboxing classes. Whatever it was, it never stuck and never made a difference in the quality of my function. It was all very disappointing.

Since MovNat became a staple in my life, I have been consistently surprised by how much easier it is to move through the world. I am able to complete my daily tasks with an ease that still continues to surprise me. There are things that I have done dozens of times before that suddenly, just magically, almost out of nowhere, feel easier to do. I built the strength to do pull-ups without ever specifically practicing pull-ups. One day, I slipped and fell on ice on my way into work in the middle of the winter. My arms were full from holding coffee and folders. I popped right back up without needing my hands even slightly. I actually didn’t even notice it happened until someone asked me if I was ok. I’ve noticed that my back doesn’t hurt anymore, because I learned how to bend at my hips. Funny enough, I didn’t previously realize my back was hurting until MovNat fixed it. I was just humming about totally unaware that I had a continuous tension along my spine. I’ve had multiple people (at the gym and at work) ask me if I trained in gymnastics because of the way I walk. It’s hard for me to see it myself, but I’m told that I “walk tall”, which is a huge accomplishment for someone who stands at 5’0’’!

Ever since MovNat became a part of my lifestyle, the world has gotten easier. I have better control over my own body and I can feel it strengthening my spirit. I’m happier. So, here I am. MovNat has been in my life for about 10 months. I have been officially training with my MNOC coach, Seth, for about 6 months. I’ve worked consistently and I’ve worked hard and I’ve loved every moment of it. Now you can find me in the MovNat Metabolic videos. I’m no expert, but I am just like you. I’m training and I’m learning. I hope you have fun following along with the videos and enjoy watching me do my best. You can laugh, if you like. It’s good to smile. ☺”

Serena Coppola | MovNat Student, Nurse

Watch Intro Video

Is This Course Right For You?

About MovNat® Metabolic

What's Inside the Course?

How the Program Works

The MovNat curriculum normally focuses on skill building first, and conditioning or fitness second. In MovNat Metabolic, we've taken the opposite approach; putting the emphasis on fitness first, but not at the expense of skill development. In this program, we've paired some of the most effective fitness protocols for the most commonly desired adaptations (e.g. fat loss, muscle building, etc.) with some of the most effective natural movements for improving fitness. The end result is a unique, movement-rich exercise program focused on practical skills that enhance fitness naturally.

8 weeks of fun, fast & effective Natural Movement workouts

Eight weeks worth of practice sessions, each carefully designed to deliver the right dose of work, rest, and progression of intensity to elicit maximal fitness adaptations over the course of the program.

20+ instructional videos to maximize your results and minimize the risk of injury.

Full "how to" video library with some of the best natural movements for fitness development. Plus, additional resources including a detailed Training Guide, Warmup & Cooldown videos, and other in-depth materials to help you make the most of your training.

Simple follow-along instructions to save time

Cohesive and progressive follow-along program structure to systematically graduate even the most deconditioned student toward high levels of fitness capacity in the shortest possible time-frame.

Challenge Yourself with the Right Balance of Simplicity & Complexity

Not an ordinary exercise program

“Wow. I’ve been physically fit for as long as I can remember, or at least I thought so before I started using this MovNat Metabolic program. This is hands-down the most thoughtful and precise approach to TOTAL body conditioning from the ground up I’ve ever experienced. At first I actually skipped ahead thinking that I was more of an intermediate student and boy was I humbled by the need to have precision technique. I think I was just moving my body without real mindfulness or paying attention to my breathing. Seriously, I went back to day one and worked the program how it was intended and what do you know… It works! I’ve learned how to link my movements together by thinking of my body as a useful and powerful machine and I'm really pushing myself harder now than I would just following another “shred your body” predesigned workout. It’s hard to imagine that an extra 15 seconds in Month 2 rounds could be so challenging, you’ll love it. I feel more physically aware now, more fit and stronger by a mile (which is crazy because I didn’t even use a dumbbell, mostly just my own body, a piece of wood, a rock and a tree) and I feel like there’s no end to progressing because these are all natural movements! So thanks MovNat for training me like a champion even as I’m #fitover50.”

Julie Beck | MovNat Certified Trainer, Owner of Warrior Up Fitness

The MovNat Metabolic program is a fantastic way to get my clients started with Natural Movement. It is easy to follow along, fulfills the goal of physiological transformation while not neglecting or omitting the MovNat principles of practical, real world fitness. For years the predominant image of MovNat was people running around in the woods without shirt, which might seem romantic to some, but is intimidating, or simply inconvenient to others. With the introduction of the Metabolic program MovNat has achieved another level of accessibility for those that want to achieve a better metabolic rate and body transformation, while at the same time preparing for, and improving movement quality and complexity. The movements themselves are simple enough to go to a high number of repetitions, yet complex enough to address and improve stability, mobility and motor control. Some of the sitting movements for instance - especially when loaded - have helped many of my clients improve their hip function, while the dynamic work on the bar has drastically improved shoulder function for them. Both of those essential to spine health, to a pain free life and as a preparation for any athletic activity. If you are looking for ways to start (or continue) moving holistically, while also working on body transformation; when your space is confined, or you live in a place where the weather is less than inviting; if you are just starting with Natural Movement and you’d like an easily accessible course, or if you are a trainer and you want your clients to get a taste before diving deeper...then this course is for you.”

Oki Alexander | MovNat Team Instructor; Founder Movement Origins and MovOr

Meet Your Instructor

Danny Clark, CSCS “sets the bar” for rigorous and thorough MovNat certification standards. He is a world-class athlete, a scholar in evolutionary biology and archaeology, and has extensive knowledge of exercise science and S&C programming. His unique skill set and expertise enables him to develop thorough and highly informed MovNat movement progressions and performance programming standards.

Danny Clark

"Break a sweat with a well thought out online course that is well worth the cost."

Feedback From Our Students

The Metabolic e-course is MovNat's online offering that is focused on delivering a challenging workout. Previous e-courses have emphasized building a strong foundation, or getting a grasp of the MovNat curriculum. Until now, there was no online courses designed to really focus on the "fitness" application.

The videos in this ecourse are easy to follow. They include clear instruction, yet not too much explanation, and remains very interactive throughout. Danny will start you with a brief warm up and cool down including breathing, and ground movement transitions for mobilization before moving on to the 30 minute workout of the day.

These sessions involve various Natural Movement techniques aimed at a higher intensity energy output to get the cardiovascular system stimulated. Danny introduces numerous ways to approach training and putting workouts together to reveal the potential depth that the most simple movements and exercises can hide. The goal seems to be to challenge yourself, but also to prioritize listening to your body and tapering your intensity so that you don't have to sacrifice efficiency or safety to feel like you have pushed your limits.

One thing that I appreciate about this course is the inclusion of short movement tutorial videos under a minute long. There are also quick demonstrations of each technique of the workout at the beginning of each video. This makes it easy for me to repeat these workouts without having to watch the whole video every time or skim through to what I need to see.

Something that Danny said in one of the sessions was that "There's a time to tune in, and there's a time to just go." and that really spoke to me. The other e-courses deeply emphasize the "time to tune in" aspect very well. Conversely, the Metabolic e-course really hits the nail on the head when it comes "time to just go". "Tuning in" is necessary to refine technique, but "just going" is how you test what you have built so far.

So if you're looking to get your heart rate going, test your movements, level up your fitness endurance, and break a sweat with a well thought out online course that is well worth the cost, I would have to recommend the MovNat Metabolic e-course.”

Alex Schenker | MCT, LST, Founder of Natural Mobility

Get Life-Changing Results With MovNat

Feedback From Our Students

“I'm stronger, more flexible and more agile than I was at 30, I'm 52 now. I do things I never knew I was capable of. And my body is looking better than ever before. And the fun I get from the moments is incredible. Love it. I'm super happy and I'm surprised how good I feel. I feel I'm getting younger instead of older.”

Jolanda | MovNat Student

“Movnat has changed my life completely. It opened all the doors and destroyed all the boxes that confined me in my health and fitness. I have more freedom in my body, and mind and see the world in a different way. My life is more full, and my daily experience richer because of Movnat. I feel better and move better than ever before and have more creativity in terms of movement and workouts.”

Andrew | MovNat Student

“I know I have gained physical fitness from MovNat but the most impactful has been my mind. I feel more productive and more effective. There is purpose in what I’m doing that goes beyond ‘looking’ fit and, at 46 and nearly 26 years of training... that is a gift. I’ll be climbing trees in my 80s! So happy. Really cannot express adequately how freeing this method is.”

Heather | MovNat Student

The MovNat Difference

It's all in the details...

Having taught thousands of people in person, we're now delivering that experience online.

  • Expert coaching guidance.

    Experienced coaching and cueing during each session to help convey the art of undulating intensity and managing fatigue. The power of the program is not only in the design, but the guidance provided during each phase of the sessions.

  • Top-notch production value.

    High quality film production, including multiple camera angles and synchronized music to make the sessions visually appealing and fun to follow along with. It'll feel like you're right there with Danny and your team mates.

    Note: All videos contain Closed Captions in English.

  • Connection with nature.

    Even though this e-course is filmed indoors, and is designed to be practiced in a small space, if necessary, it's about connecting you to your true nature so that you can experience everything your natural environment has to offer. If anything, you'll be even more eager to get outdoors with your new level of capability.

Lifetime Access. Lifetime Updates. 100% Guaranteed.

The best part?

Your enrollment includes lifetime access and lifetime updates. So, you can enroll today, get started whenever you're ready, go through the program at your own pace, and repeat the course as many times as you'd like. And if it's just not for you, we offer a 14-day 100% money-back guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What exactly will I receive when I order?

    You will receive instant access to the whole program via a private e-course portal, which contains all the course materials. This includes all six MovNat classes (follow along videos), 20 movement instructional videos, warmup and cooldown instructional videos, a training guide (e-book), and other supplementary materials to help us serve you better. In total, there is roughly 4 hours of footage in this course.

    Note: You will have lifetime access to the e-course. So, you can go through it whenever you'd like and however many times you'd like. You will NOT receive a physical package in the mail since this product is in digital format that can be viewed on your computer, smart phone, tablet, etc. The videos are only available in streaming format (i.e. they are not downloadable).

  • What Natural Movement skills will I learn?

    You'll learn several natural movements from the following domains: Breathing, Ground Movement, Get Ups, Crawling, Balancing, Gait, Jumping, Lifting, Carrying, Throwing, and Climbing.

  • What if I’m old, out of shape, injured, or can't perform some of the movements?

    This course was designed to be accessible for all fitness levels, ages, and abilities. In fact, it’s very well suited for those who don't consider themselves “exercisers” and/or are looking for a totally different perspective on movement and fitness. This course is truly for everyone since Natural Movement is the base of ALL movement. So, even if you're old, overweight, out of shape, and totally inexperienced with Natural Movement, if you're healthy enough to exercise, you can use this program.

  • How long does this program take?

    This e-course is designed to be completed over eights weeks, and repeated as your skill and fitness improves. Each class lasts for roughly 30 minutes, with additional time recommended for warmups and cooldowns. For the first week or so, you may need a little more time to review the instructional videos and practice the movements, but your total training time should be less than 45 minutes per session, three times per week.

  • Can I do this along with other physical training?

    Absolutely! But if you are not highly conditioned, you may want to refrain from other intense exercise. Please review the Training Guide for additional activity recommendations.

  • Do I need any equipment?

    This e-course was designed to be very minimal in required equipment, but you'll need a few things to get the most out of it: some open floor or ground space, objects to lift and carry (light to moderately heavy loads, e.g. backpack, kettlebell, etc.), a surface for climbing (e.g. pull-up bar or tree branch), a surface for balancing (e.g. 2x4 board or tape on the floor), and a surface for jumping up and down on (e.g. box, sturdy furniture, etc.).

    Luckily, there are many things which may already exist in your home that can be setup to provide the environment you need. We've included a module in the e-course with suggestions for training at home or the gym.

    You’ll also need a computer or mobile device that can connect to the internet and stream video.

  • What if I am unhappy with this course?

    We have a 14-day money back guarantee policy. So, if you're not happy with your investment, contact us ([email protected]) within the first 14 days of your purchase and we'll send you a full refund.

  • Will this actually help me get in shape?

    It depends on what you mean by "in shape." But you can bet your boots it will provide the necessary stimulation for fat loss, lean muscle gain, increased mobility and flexibility, and cardiorespiratory capacity, among other body composition and conditioning adaptations. And we think you'll know how powerful this program is after your very first session; and especially as you transition into Month 2, where the intensity increases substantially. That said, it's all about what you put into it. The harder you work, the better your results. So, please use the Training Guide to adjust the program difficulty based on your current fitness level and desired goals. And if you need some extra help, we're here to help you get it just right.

  • What is the difference between MovNat Metabolic and our other e-courses?

    There are many significant differences stemming from the fact that MovNat Metabolic is an action-oriented, purpose-driven e-course to help you achieve the specific objective of better health, fitness and body composition. So, there's very little focus on teaching about the big picture of Natural Movement. Instead, MM is a simple follow-along exercise program focused on fitness first, and movement skills second - and doing the work to help you transform your body MovNat-style. At a fraction of the price of our other e-course offerings, it's also our highest value e-course and a great entry point into the MovNat system for people who are looking for an affordable alternative to conventional exercise.

The "Perfect Formula" For Real World Fitness

Feedback From Our Students

“Since Day 1 of me following MovNat, back in 2011, I was fascinated by the level of "fitness” of my mentors, Erwan Le Corre and Vic Verdier. Yes, I was impressed by their capability, their movement abilities through nature, in any type of environment and situation. But I couldn’t ignore also how strong, shredded and impressive they were looking, even in their 40’s and 50’s. And so, I knew from the very beginning that moving naturally would not only make me a capable human but also, boost my self-confidence by looking better than I’ve ever been (despite years of athletic endeavors). I embraced this method, and steadily reached higher levels of fitness, following the Certification levels and guided programming.

Now, 9 years later, this Metabolic e-course takes all the basic elements of what makes MovNat so unique, but on top of it, challenges you like never before with intervals, combos, ladders, finishers, etc all of this under the expert guidance, kindness, care and also push from Danny Clark. All the sessions throughout those 2 months of training show that you can use Natural Movement skills to build yourself strong, with endurance while making massive and visible physical gains. Danny’s extensive expertise in the Strength & Conditioning field as well as his rational structured mindset for training benefited MovNat over the last 5 years. And with this new e-course, you will really reap the benefits of those years in just a couple of months because of its efficiency and follow-along user experience.

HD video and sound quality, upbeat music during the hardest parts of the sessions, this e-course is once again delivered with very high quality standards. And with this low price, this is a no brainer that I would recommend it to anyone who wants to not only embrace the skill acquisition mindset of MovNat, but also to those who want a clear structure on how to get fitter with established benchmarks, expert guidance session after session and the perfect formula to prepare your body and mind to applying these skills in the real world, in nature.

Jerome Rattoni | MovNat Master Instructor

“The movement keeps growing! Another very useful resource from MovNat following the last 2 e-courses: Level 1 Fundamentals and Natural Movement Fundamentals. I thoroughly enjoyed this training as it combines the benefits of Natural Movement with a kick of some modern workout structures. I really enjoyed the variety of intensity in the course.

The MovNat Metabolic course is applicable to anyone who is either already into Natural Movement and wants to increase their strength and conditioning or someone interested in starting their practice and improving fitness. For those that have been doing the previous e-courses, this is a great step forward in increasing the intensity of the skills you’ve learned and putting them into very efficient workouts. If you’re just starting out with your Natural Movement journey, you’ll still be able to follow along and go at your own pace.Even if you’re well conditioned from other training, the Metabolic course will still challenge you in areas you may not be focusing on in your current activity.

Many training programs might highlight the benefit of “functional” training, but with MovNat the emphasis is placed on Practicality. Movements that carry over from the gym into day to day life and that we have done through our evolution. Getting up off the ground, lifting, carrying, jumping and hanging are all covered in this online course. You’ll get detailed video instruction for your workouts as well as all the techniques used. You may have some of the equipment required, but if not, the investment shouldn’t be too big and the workouts can be done inside or outside. Another benefit I really like is being able to stop, pause and rewind anything you’re viewing, plus you can take the course with you when you’re traveling and continue training almost anywhere.

The MovNat Metabolic course is a highly recommended investment and you should find the workouts fun, engaging, scalable and of course Natural :)

Peri Zourides | MovNat Team Instructor & Owner of MovNat South Africa

Get Leaner, Stronger, and Build Real World Fitness - Naturally!

Start Today!

We designed this program to be both accessible and challenging for everyone. So, if you want to improve your movement skills, fitness, and body composition without getting burned out, injured or bored; and if you are willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve dramatic conditioning and body composition improvements in just eight weeks, enroll in MovNat Metabolic today to experience extraordinary results and a fresh, new perspective on fitness.

Even if you've gotten off track in the past or you're not sure how it's all going to work, we believe you can do this! We've worked with so many people who were hesitant to get started, and doubtful that they could succeed, but who then took a leap of faith and decided to commit anyway. And now they've transformed their movement, their body's, and their lives.

So, please make a firm commitment right now - even if you can't start right away. Your enrollment includes lifetime access and all future updates. So, you can go through the course on your own time and repeat it as many times as you want.

We'll see you in class!

MovNat® Metabolic Will Help You Rapidly Improve Your Fitness - Guaranteed

14-Day Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident this course will help you achieve your Natural Movement® Fitness goals, that we’ll let you try it for up to 14 days risk-free. If for any reason, you are not totally satisfied, just contact us ([email protected]) and we'll get you a full refund.

Some of our 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Reviews

Average of 4.8 Stars

Cody Rothermel

5 star rating

“This is my first movnat workout other than some basics from the free workouts and some of the moves from the book and it was great! Danny does a great job at explaining and offering variations to the exercises. It started off calm and relaxing and...”

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“This is my first movnat workout other than some basics from the free workouts and some of the moves from the book and it was great! Danny does a great job at explaining and offering variations to the exercises. It started off calm and relaxing and by the end of it you are trying to control your breath after fatigue! Never seen that in a workout before! Looking forward to continuing my workouts and learning the moves! ”

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Robert Perinetti

5 star rating

“TERRIFIC. Helped me achieve an eight lb. weight loss.”

“TERRIFIC. Helped me achieve an eight lb. weight loss.”

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Tammy Lagasse

5 star rating

“61 yo female. I’ve exercised all of my life but haven’t been consistent in past few years and was seeing a decline in strength and mobility. I love the “outside the box” strengthening and mobility challenge. Jumping up was really intimidating but ...”

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“61 yo female. I’ve exercised all of my life but haven’t been consistent in past few years and was seeing a decline in strength and mobility. I love the “outside the box” strengthening and mobility challenge. Jumping up was really intimidating but I can do it now! ”

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julie weaver

5 star rating

“Have done almost every sport and activity but as I have gotten older this is the best thing to be doing now. I wish I knew about it earlier but this is were my journey has taken me so I am grateful for finding out about it now. Any age can benefit...”

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“Have done almost every sport and activity but as I have gotten older this is the best thing to be doing now. I wish I knew about it earlier but this is were my journey has taken me so I am grateful for finding out about it now. Any age can benefit from this.”

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Almudena Ortiz

5 star rating

“Awesome program! Fun, hard, and full of just enough talking and prompting with excellent instruction. ”

“Awesome program! Fun, hard, and full of just enough talking and prompting with excellent instruction. ”

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Nina Wagner

5 star rating

“This a rather good course. Even if you are in shape, this course will put your body in places you most likely are not doing. I highly recommend it!”

“This a rather good course. Even if you are in shape, this course will put your body in places you most likely are not doing. I highly recommend it!”

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Matt Smith

5 star rating

“I have really enjoyed learning a new type of exercise that is not grinding my body down. Now that I am pushing 50 and also throwing in a pandemic, this is exactly what I needed. Thank you!”

“I have really enjoyed learning a new type of exercise that is not grinding my body down. Now that I am pushing 50 and also throwing in a pandemic, this is exactly what I needed. Thank you!”

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Joe Morringelli

5 star rating

“Great program! I increased my conditioning and movement. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone regardless of fitness level.”

“Great program! I increased my conditioning and movement. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone regardless of fitness level.”

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emily morris

5 star rating

“great to do these movements in a sequence and work up a sweat. I am able to take these movements out more easily when I play at the park with my kids or go hiking and play with these movemnts.”

“great to do these movements in a sequence and work up a sweat. I am able to take these movements out more easily when I play at the park with my kids or go hiking and play with these movemnts.”

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Jules Fox

5 star rating

“This is a great course for beginner-intermediate movers. There is a movement library so that you can become more precise in your movements. It progresses nicely, in that you can put as much or as little effort into it as fits your body - as they s...”

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“This is a great course for beginner-intermediate movers. There is a movement library so that you can become more precise in your movements. It progresses nicely, in that you can put as much or as little effort into it as fits your body - as they say in the course it's about fatigue management. That means you will be able to re-do courses with a stronger, more efficient body and get more out of it as you progress. I also like that there's a warm-up and cooldown set that you can use at will. I know I'm bad about both of those things but they're not too tricky and they sure help your body get ready and then decompress. One thing I wasn't expecting was that you do need some tools for this course, a weight type (kettlebell or fireman's bag) a ply box, a beam, and a pull-up bar that's not just the doorframe type since you move from side to side. That's not necessarily such a bad thing because those were all super useful things to have at my house anyways, especially in quarantine. It would be nice if they had a link to how to make your own plyo box, but you can google that pretty easily and do it yourself (it took me $30 and about an hour plus a day for the wood glue to dry). I used a big gallon water bottle with a handle as a weight until I could go out and get proper weights. The pull-up bar I tried with marginal success to do the side-to-side movements by going at a 45-degree angle on my door mounted. Not sure if I want to invest in making a full-sized pull-up bar, cool as that sounds. The audio and video are very clear, and it's well produced. There are a man and woman going at slightly different speeds to demonstrate, and that's nice to be able to pace yourself. The instructor gives very clear instructions and has lots of practical tips. But obviously it's about being more functional, and that's what it serves up best. I came in with a high level of skill and 10 years doing parkour, so for me I was able to pick it up right from the get-go - but it allows me to do functional movement from home during quarantine (or whenever) and stay fit since I'm in my 40's now. I highly recommend this for about any human who moves, which is everyone. If you don't move it, you lose it.”

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star rating


"If you follow along, and put in the work, you WILL meet your health and fitness goals.”

What our students want you to know

“MovNat’s new Metabolic eCourse is an up-beat, challenging workout for anyone who is looking to push themselves to their limits. At the same time, you can set your own pace in the comfort of your own home. I find it hard to not go all-out when I follow this eCourse, because the energy and exercises are so fun. I really like how thorough the warm up is, and how quickly I break a sweat. MovNat Metabolic feels very efficient in getting me past my comfort zone, yet I still have a boost of energy after my workout has ended. One of the best parts about it is how simple the set up is. I don’t have a home gym, yet I could follow along all of the Natural Movements with simple household items (a chair, my laundry detergent bottle, a medium sized rock from my garden, etc.). The instructions on form and execution are very straightforward, and can be easily performed by a beginner or the seasoned athlete alike. I normally have a hard time pushing myself during high intensity workouts, but the instructors on-screen really help motivate me to kick it up a notch.”

Lauren Fisher, MCT

“The MovNat® Metabolic e-course is a great primer for upping the levels of performance and fitness. The carefully chosen movement skills, lend well to the dynamic action of the sessions. With each movement being thoroughly described in their own tutorials. The warm ups and cool down are easy to follow along with and have great suggestions for props and variations. These MovNat® Metabolic sessions are well-guided and in real time. Danny Clark (MovNat Performance Director) takes a team of movers through multiple sessions of high-intensity, and highly practical, movement. If you follow along, and put in the work, you WILL meet your health and fitness goals.”

Eric Brown, MovNat Team Instructor, Master Trainer & MNOC Coach

“I'm Elisabeth Pinheiro, Brazilian, physical therapist and MCT level 1 since 2018. The Movnat Metabolic Program, thanks to its stratification based on the construction of a solid Natural Movement base, allowed me to develop a unique rehabilitation program for my patients, based on development of body functional capacity, and not restricted to muscular strength improvements, like in conventional methods. I believe that the optimized capacity to develop pain-free movement is directly dependent on the strategic capacity of the brain, amplified by the variability of movement we are exposed to. This is for me the most significant differential of this program, a diversity of stimuli that makes us stronger and well-prepared. Personally, the MovNat method and its Metabolic Program allows me to know exactly what to work on, which makes my progression steady, with skill and strength & conditioning gains that are constant and daily. The program format is adaptable to any routine or environment. Challenges and limitations are all opportunities for improvement and growth, and the practice can be extended beyond a fixed hour of training. Every place and time is a new opportunity to explore new strategies of movement. I strongly recommend the MovNat Metabolic e-course for anyone who wants/needs to move better and feel great!*”

*translated from Portuguese

- Elisabeth dos Santos Pinheiro, MCT Level 1, Owner of Clinica Roots (Brazil)

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The Success Stories Keep Coming!

“There is nothing that I have ever experienced that is like a MovNat workout and the results of MovNat. MovNat has changed my life.”

Tommy | MovNat Student

“MovNat has help me to lose and keep off over 25lbs, and encouraged me to look for other ways to make positive changes in my life.”

Chris | MovNat Student

“Massive increases in mobility, stability (core strength), movement quality, confidence and, perhaps most of all, enjoyment/fun.”

Chris | MovNat Student

“MovNat was really helpful when I was training for obstacle course racing. I think I really surprised people how well I could move at my age/weight. The natural movements have also come in use in daily life, like helping to remove a fallen tree after a storm.”

Lauren | MovNat Student

“Awesome results! I'm slowly able to do some movements that I didn't think were possible a couple of months ago, but I'm also impatient and want to be able to do more haha.”

Ryan | MovNat Student

“My body looks better. I am more capable performing basic human movements. It is more fun to do physical labor and physical play. MovNat is more motivating because of the variety of practical movements with less equipment needed.”

Bryan | MovNat Student